Saturday, May 12, 2007

DIYreview: "Sure Reminds Me"

Before I start describing equipment, methods, styles etc, let's start with a song review so you get a feel for the level of quality I'm talking about here. "Sure Reminds Me" (link below) successfully climbed the charts on several indie music sites like SoundClick and Mixposure, sitting comfortably for some time in the top 10 and being featured in a Folk Spotlight for several weeks running.

Before we get started though, let's lay some ground rules:

Music Lover Reviews: The sky's the limit. Say what you want, good or bad (just keep it respectful without any trash). Compare it to mainstream music and tell us how you think it measures up in terms of sound, style and quality.

DIYer Reviews: I expect a bit more from you. Considering you're here to share in the learning, whatever you say in your review will help everyone learn more. I don't think you need to listen to the song over and over again; a lot can be said for first impressions, particularly in this business. Like the Music Lovers, say what you want, good or bad (keep it respectful without trash). Compare it to mainstream music as well as your own. Then, score the following criteria:
Scoring: x out of 5 (1=poor ... 5=excellent)
- Style (within the chosen style, how fresh sounding is it?)
- Lyrics (do they come across clear enough to get your attention)
- Musicianship (quality of the performance)
- Hook (how memorable is the song?)
- Sound (how close is the sound to mainstream?)
- Mix (do all the parts mesh/compliment each other nicely?)
- Bonus (bonus points for whatever you like/dislike - make sure you specify)

Okay... now that the business stuff is out of the way... let's listen to some music, shall we?

Words & Music by me. All instruments & vocals are real and performed by me with the exception of the drum arrangements done on a machine (more details on that in a future post).

Click here: "Sure Reminds Me" (at CBC Radio 3)

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